Monday, October 1, 2007


Welcome to the Guild Guide! My mission here to equip both guild leaders and guild members with the knowledge needed to create and maintain a strong and productive guild in whatever game you choose. Now you did notice that I did not solo out guild masters all by themselves, didn’t you? Yes, you too! Even if you are not a guild master, you also share the burden for helping your guild be successful. This is a large task, and I will be hacking away at it in pieces for the future months. So let’s explore the aspects of being a member of a wonderful guild and hopefully leading one into immortality.

What Guild Guide is Not
Guild Guide is not going to be a place to list the strategies to killing a boss or the best way to defend a map. We are he to help build strong guilds. Playing the game is up to you guys!

A Little about Me
I have been leading guilds since the late ‘90s. I first began my online gaming career in the First Person Shooter(FPS) games with titles such as Tribes, Medal of Honor, and Call of Duty. Then I moved on to World of Warcraft(WoW) during the closed beta and have been there ever since. Now I am looking at one of my all-time favorite games returning to the PC with Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. I am currently in a guild in WoW as one of the class leaders and working on a new guild/clan for ET: QW. Through the years, I have started many guilds: some were not created well and spun out of control quickly…oh the painful memories of stupid mistakes. Some of my guilds lasted months before guild drama ripped them apart, and two have even lasted years and are still going. I have made my fair share of mistakes and a guild or two has folded because of it. But over the years I have learned what works and what doesn’t work. And that is what we are here to discuss.

Non-World of Warcraft Guilds and Guild Guide
Since WoW is the 800-pound gorilla in the jungle of internet gaming and does not appear to be knocked out of the tree anytime soon, a lot of the points I make will refer to WoW lingo and themes. Never fear FPS guilds, you too can take these lessons and run with them most of the time. If you do have specific questions, please do not hesitate to email me at

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